• Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Meet Pastor Pastor John Mwangi Who Believes He Is Too Holy to Walk on the Ground

Meet Pastor Pastor John Mwangi Who Believes He Is Too Holy to Walk on the Ground

Meet Pastor John Mwangi of Revival church in Githurai, Kenya. According to him, the servant of God cannot walk on sinful ground and he will always be carried by his congregation until they buy him a Range Rover 2023 Model.

Pastor John Mwangi is a man who claims to have a direct connection with God. He says that he has been given a special mandate to preach the gospel and heal the sick. But there is one thing that he cannot do: walk on the ground.

Pastor Mwangi believes that he is too holy to touch the earth, which he says is full of sin and corruption. He says that if he steps on the ground, he will lose his anointing and power. That is why he always travels in a car or a motorcycle, and when he arrives at his destination, he is carried on a chair by his followers.

The pastor, who leads a church in Githurai, a suburb of Nairobi, Kenya, says that he has been living this way for over 10 years. He says that he received a vision from God, who told him to avoid the ground and to be carried like a king. He says that this is a sign of his holiness and authority, and that anyone who questions him is an agent of the devil.


Pastor Mwangi’s lifestyle has attracted a lot of attention and criticism from the public and other religious leaders. Some people have accused him of being a fraud and a conman, who is exploiting his followers and taking their money. Others have said that he is suffering from a mental disorder and needs help.

But Pastor Mwangi is not bothered by the negative comments. He says that he is doing the will of God, and that he has performed many miracles and wonders in his ministry. He says that he has healed people of various diseases, including HIV/AIDS, cancer, and diabetes. He also says that he has raised the dead and cast out demons.

Pastor Mwangi says that he is not the only one who is too holy to walk on the ground. He says that there are other pastors and prophets who have the same calling and vision. He says that they are the chosen ones, who have been sent by God to prepare the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Mwangi says that he is not afraid of death, and that he is ready to meet his maker. He says that he has already seen heaven and hell, and that he knows where he is going. He says that he is confident that he will be rewarded for his faithfulness and obedience to God. He says that he is looking forward to the day when he will be crowned with glory and honor in the presence of God and his angels.


Mbiydze is a web and graphic designer, digital marketer, and founder of a group of companies including CHEETAH CAMEROON, MBIYDZELA DIGITAL and PULSEBEAT ENTERTAINMENT  He is an ambitious entrepreneur with experience in various fields.
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